On July 30, 2013, after three agonizing days in the hospital due to pancreatitis as a result of a malfunctioning gallbladder that was plaguing me for nine months, I brought into the world the sweetest little boy and my life has never been the same ever since.  Having lost my own mother at a young age, I was terrified that I didn’t have the innate ability to be a nurturing and loving mother to my  infant son.  After a month of living in complete disbelief that this perfect little blonde fuzz haired baby was really my son,  I started to get the hang of being a mom the best I knew how.

There is something so terrifying and amazing about bringing a human being into the world that I wasn’t quite prepared for mentally and physically but I love every minute of being a mom.  This blog is about my misadventures in motherhood and all the ups and downs that come with being a new mom.  I hope you can relate and share in my experiences.  I’m finding that every day as a mom is unexpectedly awesome and my son never ceases to amaze me and make me laugh.


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